Wednesday 15 August 2012

How to relieve Negativity

Negativity can be such a hard thing to over come, whether you suffer from depression, anxiety or even anger, controlling it can really be a pain. I personally have suffered with anxiety and like many humans get angry once in a while, I admit I get angry when I've lost something and I'm ripping the house apart to find it or I'm hurt when people say harsh things to me.

What I mean to say is that is how I used to be. Using the LOA can work not only in attracting what you want but attracting happy and positive emotions too. I spoke in a previous post about daily lists of attractions, if you carry your list where ever you go and mark things off as you attract them and add things when you want things you'll be surprised at how good it makes you feel. Jot it down now on your list "I want to be happy all day".

Now that you've written down your goal for the day the Law of Attraction will know what you want and not what you don't want. If you're still wondering why writing a goal down on a piece of paper and carrying it around you will do any good I'll share with you the best experience I've had with these lists in the last few days.

I have suffered from anxiety and the worst daily symptoms I have ever had are stomach aches. I'd get crippling pains in my stomach that sometimes stopped me from even walking, they'd upset and depress me and I'd always go "I've got a stomach ache", it kind of became common knowledge to me and my loved ones. When I got my list I wrote down, I want a clear stomach. The entire day went by and I experienced no pain at all, in fact right now even though I'm hungry and still waiting to have breakfast, my pains are none existent.

For me this feels like a miracle. If you want to counter the negativity within your life, pinpointing it is the first step. I want you to think now, if you're angry what are you angry about? If you're sad what are you sad about, if you've got a pain in your body when was the last time you verbalised it? I'm going to take some of the most major situations that can come of these questions and try and help you see that there is always a positive somewhere.

Say you're angry about a mate who has stabbed you in the back, or a lover who walked out on you then think to yourself, is being angry helping you? Is it hurting them as much as it's hurting you? Either way if you're sitting there choosing to feel the anger at that person then ultimately the LOA is picking up on your feelings and send YOU more things to be angry about, now that you know this you can choose to be happy.

Finding it hard? Just think about the silliest positive you can think of; at least I had the friend, at least I can put it down to experience, at least I can let their negative act go out to the LOA and give THEM the negative energy.

And this works for anything, if you're sad for example about the loss of a loved one and its making you depressed just thinking about them, think about the good times, maybe meditate and feel the emotions of the good times, celebrate in your head the fact you knew and loved this person.

Finally if you have a bad pain and you see that you're verbalising it to people or even thinking about it to yourself your just bringing that pain back, write down now on a piece of a paper, I want a pain free day and expect it. Because as soon as you expect it the universe will do it for you.

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