Saturday 11 August 2012

Daily lists of Attraction

Today was another wonderful day! Remember that goal I set on my first post? For those of you who are new that was basically that I wanted my new film to get 100,000 views over the internet (although more are welcome I really don't mind) well the movie hasn't been posted yet however there have been a few mini things that I've attracted to help it run smoothly and market it.

First of all I took a trip to Wasall to do some shooting with an old friend of mine. We got to use his camera and he used his editing skills on our teaser trailer which I thought my first aim should be to attract merely 200 views to this trailer within the first week. We got 234 in the first three days of it being up which satisfied me but then the view count just stopped going up and I realised that I'd been silly and only asked for 200 views.

I mean I attracted and that's fantastic but why didn't I just try asking for 1000 views, so today I am going to make myself a daily attraction list. What is this?

Well to sum it up, I'm going to write 5 things to attract per day, just silly little things like today I want an ice cream or today I want to meet someone and put a smile on their face. I will do my best to attract 5 things a day and have an overall goal for the end of the month. Why don't you try joining me? Get a note book and, in the words of Joe Vitale, dare something worthy.

My goal for the end of the month is to attract over 1000 views for my teaser trailer. So come on, together lets aim to attract the best, 5 things a day and make sure they're mostly in your reach.

At the start of this post I explained that several different things have already been helping my goal to be attracted towards me. For instance every day has been a sunny one and ran fairly smoothly, there have been only 2 or 3 bumpy spots (we lost the glasses my character wears and so there I was getting only slightly stressed by the whole thing) but guess what? My Dad had some glasses we could borrow that filled the shoes of the old ones perfectly so there was no need to panic and just more things to be grateful for.

Today I met a bunch of inspirational and lovely people. I believe that in some way all of us are inspirational, we just need to tap into the best side of others. Once you see how amazing life is life becomes amazing. This project has been the smoothest I've ever run and I have confidence that it will be as successful as I intend it to be. Sure my friend may have tripped over and destroyed some of my sound equipment but this just made me realise I need a new camera so I've put an order in with the Law of Attraction and expect it to arrive anytime now.

So lets get some daily attractions in and have funning using that amazing force of the universe, the law of attraction.

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