Monday 9 September 2013

Life and Routines...

Hello there faithful reader of the internet,

Today I'm going to write some musings on life and routines, so lets get started.

Since deciding that University certainly wasn't for me I have been trying to shape my life in the way that I think a proper adult should, the only difference is I'm constantly having fun and doing what I do. Since I was a child there have been two things I've enjoyed the most and that is acting and writing.

When I was the victim of a mugging in 2009 and developed stage fright I never thought that I would go near the stage again, but these last few years have been a struggle well worth it because I never suffer from panic attacks any more and I never think I will.

I strongly believe this is because I have been persistant and with the help of my lovely girlfriend Alissa, I have turned my life around.

I've always known of the existence of the Law of Attraction but I never started using it until April, I write this now with a very happy heart as I mentally review all of the miracles that have happened since then.

For instance at the time I was a doubting student, worrying about his place in life and half ready to just settle with any crappy job and start earning money to live life. But then I decided to start writing down my goals every night and as a rule I made sure for each goal I had I wrote down ten things I already had that I was grateful for.

My confidence as an actor has been growing again these past few years, but not even I anticipated how fast I would begin a career in it, in June I got speaking to my friend Simon Fisher-Becker, who advised me on trying to get an agent and a Spotlight and by using the Law of Attraction I did more than that, I got myself a Spotlight page, an agent, an audition and a job!

I was amazed at how fantastic these lists of goals had been and since looking back through my goals book I can't believe how much of them have been achieved, simple things that I could never have predicted.

So after getting myself into a routine of writing lists I am currently trying to find my next source of income and build a routine in my life, some small things have already taken place.

One of my aims is to keep writing and confiding in this blog whenever I feel the need. So here's to the future my friends!